On My Watch

A Memoir

A rising star at age thirty-five—Virginia Buckingham’s life and career was suddenly derailed. As the head of Boston’s Logan International Airport, the launching pad for the hijacked planes that destroyed the Twin Towers, she was scapegoated by the media and political leaders. Grappling with issues of trauma, faith, leadership, and resilience, this unique memoir shares her struggle to rebuild her life and come to terms with being blamed for the unimaginable tragedy that occurred on her watch.

Virginia Buckingham

A native New Englander, Virginia Buckingham was the first woman to serve as chief of staff to two consecutive Massachusetts governors. She was subsequently appointed to head the Massachusetts Port Authority, operator of Logan International Airport. She has also worked as a deputy editorial page editor and columnist for the Boston Herald. In 2015 she was selected for the inaugural class of Presidential Leadership Scholars.

"On My Watch - A Memoir" Now Available

There is one American’s account of the events of 9/11 you have never heard before. When the unimaginable happens, she learns to be her own hero.

Now Available - Purchase Here

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