
On My Watch

A Memoir

Courage and Resilience

As the nation came together to mourn,to support, and to rebuild in the aftermath of 9/11, Virginia Buckingham was singled out for blame.

As the head of Boston's Logan International Airport, the launching pad for the hijacked planes that destroyed the Twin Towers, she was scapegoated by the media and political leaders for supposed airport security lapses, forced to resign, and later officially notified that a 9/11 victim's family intended to sue her for wrongful death, holding her personally responsible.  

A rising star at age thirty-five—she had served as chief of staff to two consecutive Massachusetts governors before becoming the first woman to head the state's Port Authority—Buckingham's life and career was suddenly derailed.

Grappling with issues of trauma, faith, leadership, and resilience, this unique memoir shares her struggle to rebuild her life and come to terms with being blamed for the unimaginable tragedy that occurred on her watch.

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